Today is Sports Day 2010.
Brought a heavy heart there, and I was quite reluctant to go anyway.
Lost my 'love' for the house.
And I kinda expected Falcon to go 2nd.
Anyway, went to the stadium with TsuiYan.
Slacked, talked, watched Falcon Comm do banner.
Then assemble at the tracks for attendance taking.
Usual stuffs.
It was quite dumb there wasn't any March Pass.
That's the opening for Sports Day 2010 after all.
No opening, no nothing.
That explains why some people go sian throughout the whole morning playing PSP and smsing.
Got a Bronze medal for 8x50m Secondary 4 relay.
Then chatted with Ms Chia for a while.
After all the events are over, we had prize presentation.
Then went home! :D
But I've still got tuition uh..
Then 4pm tuition ends but drag till 4.30pm to complete homework. o.o
Went home and slept all the way and ate porridge for dinner and slept again.
Bathed and here I am. :/
I go do homework lerh.
Sports Day 2010 was exciting after all..
Saturday, March 27, 2010
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Busy once again..
Alright, I'm glad that not-so-much-like-holiday days are gone..
But, life's getting hectic-er once again with tests barging their way into my life.
Symposium was on Wednesday.
Successful but boring.
Presentation was quite successful.
And we finally requested for our testimonials and Ms Chua (our NYP teacher mentor) agreed! :D
It was kind of a waste of time though. :O
Thursday was a busy day.
2 Structured Remedial (SR) continuously.
But Maths SR was brought forward and it ended at 2.45pm.
Hence, our lunch break is from 2.45pm to 3.45pm.
And at 3.45pm, we'll be having our Physics SR.
And then, Mrs Peh forgot that we had Physics SR.
Great. So wasted money to eat and I went home.
Friday was crazily clumsy.
I've forgotten to bring Physics notes, foolscap paper, English summary.
Gosh, that's practically every lesson's stuff (other than EM)
Pei-ed Bgirls at training (went to watch only :O) and some of us went to CCAB to watch Bboys match against Dunman Secondary.
Went home and went running.
Ate Yong Tau Foo and bathed.
Tired day..
Life's hectic.
But I've been telling myself, it's time to do homework.
So, yes, all homework WILL be done. (:
I'm a changed person alright :P
Friday, March 26, 2010
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Is it true that there's miracle?
I'm seriously going crazy cuz I'm kind of weird these days.
5 days ago, I was worrying how can I get As for my 'O' Level.
5 days ago, I attended this motivational workshop "SuperTeen".
5 days ago, I was dreading SuperTeen crazily.
3 days ago, I learnt how important it was to have a dream.
3 days ago, I learnt that getting straight As is easy. There's little formula, or rather none. But whether you are willing to get them.
1 day ago, I miraculously ask my dad, "Daddy, if I get straight As, can you get me an iPod Touch." Just then, I thought, "Did I just say straight As?" and I stunned for a moment.
Miracles do happen. It's just what your mind tells yourself.
Monday, March 22, 2010
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It's not about how good you are, but how good you want to be.
"It's not about how good you are, but how good you want to be."
That's the first quote I've learnt in SuperTeens.
The past three days have been long and tiring.
Intense learning and drilling and psychoing.
And we love the trainers. (Ernest, Ken and Peter)
I'm tired now.. (:
I shall listen to Ernest's CD.
Saturday, March 20, 2010
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Super sian day.
A very bored day today.
Woke up at 10.30am then went to school for Symposium Presentation Rehearsal.
Went off early and slacked with AC10 Camp Comm and Facils at the carpark.
And then went to CompassPoint to buy maggie mee, and off I am to Denise's house.
Ate my maggie mee, then watched TV with Denise and her mom.
Left with Denise to meet Celine at Punggol Plaza.
Cabbed to Hardi's house and we ate Indonesia maggie! :D
Played one round of Mahjong and two rounds of Monopoly.
Went home at 11.15pm.
72-ed to Yio Chu Kang Bus Interchange and cabbed home for 6 bucks.
Tired and sian day.
Second thoughts on going Superteens tomorrow..
How? D;
Tuesday, March 16, 2010
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Screw It, Screw Life.
Screw It, Screw Life.
Dang! Freaking tired, yet pissed.
Things are rushing their way towards me again.
Wonder how things will be like with trainings. gosh.
Superteens, School Reopen, Tests, Symposium, Bicultural Booth.
Quick quick go away! D;
Monday, March 15, 2010
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Prelim/Exam/Test tomorrow. Actually, I'm not too sure..
There's HMT Prelim/Exam/Test tomorrow.
Yet, I'm not too sure what is it.
I only know it's only testing Paper 1 stuffs.
But I'm not really bothered about it.
I'm not sure if I'm fully prepared.
But at least I'm preparing for it.
I only know I need a tight slap, to wake up and realise that my GCE 'O' Level is exactly approaching.
Ohman. WAKE UP!
Sunday, March 14, 2010
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Blogskin repaired!
Finally guys!
Had been waiting for the owner to repair his blogskin.
Had normal school day except that today's a kind of special day for Xinmin students.
Yesterday was Shine day, our 65th anniversary's musical at Republic Polytechnic.
Skipped SPA and went home straight away.
Bathed, slacked, computered, and off I went preparing myself for the evening.
Waited for Cheryl at Khatib MRT and off we went to meet the others (Ivan, Lihao, LynetteC, Gina, Vanessa and Mr Tang) at Causeway Point.
Mr Tang's treating dinner tonight, as promised. ^^
Went to Swensens and ate Chicken Baked Rice. Wonderful baked rice as compared to other restaurants.
And then followed by Giant Earthquake. Love the Rum and Raisin. (:
Shopped for flowers and off we went to take 169 to go to Republic Poly.
Super loads of Xinmin people squeezed in the bus.
Reached there and exchanged seats with people.
I can't deny that "Shine! - Dare to Dream" is a wonderful play, especially the beginning with full of surprises.
But it's the back part of the musical that becomes boring when they keep playing same songs over and over.
End of play and phototaking time and off me and Cheryl went home.
I was beat tired and bathed and off I went to sleep within seconds I was out of the bathroom, with my hair wet. :D
I hope there will be more such inspiring musical, like "Shine! - Dare to Dream".
Well done, performers and backstage crews for the musical. (:
Dare to dream! GOGO!
Saturday, March 13, 2010
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A break after everything, finally..
Tests are over.
Leaving me in kind of a haggard state.
Sleeping past 1am to study and coming to school with a sleepy mood.
And I almost slept in Chinese class.
Come on, this is the beginning and more are yet to come.
Pull myself together and do my best.
It's my last year.
Finally, tests over. Say bye to stress.
Thursday, February 25, 2010
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Sorry, on hiatus till Thursday.
Hey guys, sorry for not being able to blog these days.
Many tests coming up.
Today's Differentiation of Trigo., Log. and Exponential and Stationary, Minimum and Maxinmum Pts.
Thurs' more than 10 Chapters of Physics.
These tests are killing me.
I'm getting so frustrated trying to solve Trigo. Differentiation that I'm pissed right now.
So, thanks and do come back on Thursday for a new blog entry! :D
Tuesday, February 23, 2010
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Congratulations CBoys, BGirls and BBoys for Championship for North Zone Volleyball Tournament! :D
Triple championship today for Xinmin Secondary School!
Though I'm no longer in main 12 for BGirls, I'm pretty proud of them!
Many awkward period of times when they took photo and I really wanted to join them.
But trying not to be so extra in there, well, I managed to think positive. (:
Want to thank Jaime all these while for her support in trainings, as well as other teammates who tried to encourage me. haha.
I will be back on court soon I hope! :D
Though I know I'll never have a chance to be in the main 12 for Nationals, because priorities aren't really sec4s for B Div' Girls, but well, I'll still love my Sec 4 volleyball teammates! :D
And thanks for the memories you girls gave me in C Div' and I'll never forget it.
Thanks lovely captain, Jac and Jaime, and girls. (:
Haha, will visit you girls alright!
I'll try to blend in with your, just don't find me extra! hahas!
And lastly, congratulations to the triple champs! :D
C Div' Girls, don't give up alright! You journey for volleyball has just started! :D
You still got long way to go! All the best man! :D
Passion doesn't mean I have to be in court in person. (Not trying to say I got a lot of passion la.. -.-)
It also means wishing others luck, for we have a common goal.
BGirls, 帮我拿 Nationals Champion! :D
Friday, February 19, 2010
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Thinking positive. (:
Life's getting hectic again.
I'm still sick, coughing my way through lessons and often feel awkward breaking the silence in class at times.
Chinese New Year gift from Mr Tang today.
A wonderful Chinese test and I've already knew I got one question wrong.
Ohwell, it's a test.
I shan't take it too seriously to heart. (:
Upcoming physics test on Monday.
Many chapters are tested, more than 10 to be exact.
Shall give it my best. ^^
Came home from school and slept till 7.30pm.
Ate dinner and procrastinated till now.
Gonna do my NYP project now and I'm super pissed with my partner.
Anyway, I'm not gonna hold high hopes to win the Science and Technology Symposium.
What a team spirit, you call it.
Gahh, my partner doesn't bother anyway.
All she wants is a wonderful testimonial from NYP.
Whatever. I shall heed Mannan's advice and THINK POSITIVE. (:
People who don't have the sense of urgency to do their homework are usually those who doesn't have curfew because people like me just think that they have the whole damn day to do their work and start procrastinating till it's late and start chionging. Don't you agree? :O
Thursday, February 18, 2010
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Day 3 of Chinese New Year
It's Day 3 of Chinese New Year today.
Woke up with a heavy heart today because my brother's gonna book in for his camp @ Tekong.
Mummy cooked lunch today.
She used to cook wonderful dishes of food in the past.
But she's getting older, and she needs to ease her workload.
So eating home-cooked food became rather rare for me since my Secondary School life.
So she cooking today, which shows how much she doted on my brother, and she cooked porridge with peanuts, fishcakes, sardines, scallops and lobsters.
Never really eat lobsters at home, so it's kinda special today.
At medicine and slept all the way till 4pm plus.
My brother was already changing and preparing to meet his friends to go to Pasir Ris to take the ferry to Tekong.
I woke up and I called "Korkor, come."
Then he came to my bedroom.
I smiled at him and waved and said "Byebye".
Then he smiled and waved back. (:
I closed my eyes and when I was about to fall asleep again, I sensed someone beside my bed.
I opened my eyes and saw my brother in his army uniform no.4 and he smiled at me and said "Byebye".
I went "Heehee." and waved and said "Byebye." and smiled. (:
For a moment, my heart has got this sourish feeling I have never felt towards my brother before.
I missed him even before he stepped out of the house.
Korkor, faster come back. (:
Tuesday, February 16, 2010
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Woke up early in the morning to prepare to go to grandmother's house to 拜年.
Collected many angbaos and wishes from relatives.
Ate many goodies like pineapple tarts, and of course my medicine.
Played blackjack with fellow cousins and enjoyed it a lot.
I think gambling is the most enjoyable for me for the past few days.
Though there's loss of money, I lose it happily.
Well done, I'm in another phase of life. (:
Chinese New Year's getting more boring every year.
I don't really feel the atmosphere and that festive mood.
To me, Chinese New Year is just another holiday. :O
Monday, February 15, 2010
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Passion. 有了有何用?找回了又不能打。
So I went to the doctor's.
And I was told I should stop CCA temporarily.
I didn't treasure it in the past.
And now when I do, I can't play.
Jiayou girls.
Sunday, February 14, 2010
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